Praxis & Theoria: Spiritual Ascension in The Church

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  • Praxis & Theoria: Spiritual Ascension in The Church

    Posted by Justinian of on July 31, 2023 at 3:04 am

    Praxis & Theoria: Spiritual Ascension in The Church

    1. How does the concept of Praxis and Theoria resonate with our personal spiritual journeys?
    2. What are some practical examples of ascetic practices that can be incorporated into our daily lives?
    3. In what ways can the active life of asceticism enhance our contemplative experiences with God?
    4. How do different members of The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church approach the balance between praxis and theoria?
    5. How can bodily disciplines like fasting and prostrations deepen our spiritual understanding and connection?
    6. Are there any challenges or obstacles in integrating the active and contemplative aspects of our faith?
    7. How do the teachings of St. Seraphim and other ascetic Fathers inspire and guide us in our spiritual growth?
    8. What are some misconceptions or misunderstandings about asceticism and its role in Christian spirituality?
    9. How does the idea of purification of passions through the active life relate to our struggles with inner transformation?
    10. In our modern context, how can we maintain a vibrant spiritual life while balancing the demands of everyday responsibilities?




    Justinian of replied 1 year, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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